Since its launch on March 1, 2018, Kayla’s List PAC has raised more than $86,000 and contributed over $61,400 to 24 candidates, thanks to the donations of 81 individuals.* Kayla’s List contributed to the following congressional members and candidates since March:

  • Rep. Jim Banks, IN/3rd-R
  • Sen. Cory Booker, NJ-D
  • Cand. Senate Mike Braun, IN–R
  • Braun Victory, IN–R
  • Rep. Jim Banks, IN/3rd-R
  • Sen. Bob Casey, Jr., PA-D
  • Cand. Jesse Colvin, MD/1st-D
  • Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee
  • Cand. Madeleine Dean, PA/4th -D
  • Rep. Jimmy Gomez, CA/34th-D
  • Rep. Adam Kinzinger, IL/16th-R
  • Team Mitch McConnell, KY–R
  • Sen.Bob Menendez, NJ–D
  • Rep. Pete Olson, TX/22nd–R
  • Rep. Jimmy Panetta, CA/20th–D
  • Sen. Rand Paul, KY–R
  • Rep. Dutch Ruppersberger, MD/2nd–D
  • Rep. Brad Schneider, IL/10th–D
  • Senate Cand. Rick Scott, FL–R
  • Rep. Pete Sessions, TX/32nd–R
  • Rep. Norma Torres, CA/35th–D
  • Rep. Lee Zeldin, NY/1st–R
  • Sen. Jim Risch, ID-R
  • West Virginia Victory Fund, WV-R, Candidate Patrick Morrisey, WV Attorney General

Kayla’s Pac is funded by you! Thank You!
Thank you to those who maxed out at $5,000.

Dec 31 is the end of the 2017-2028 election cycle. Please consider maxing out your already generous support. Contact Louette at [email protected] and share with friends who are just as passionate as you to contribute!

June 2018 Events with Syrian Americans

Tim Jebara, Senator Robert Menendez (NJ-D) along with members of the Syrian American Community in New Jersey

On June 23rd, the Jebara family hosted a fundraiser in their Far Hills, New Jersey home with Senator Robert Menendez (NJ-D), who is running for reelection for New Jersey’s Senate seat. Senator Robert Menendez currently is the Ranking Member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. He has been one of the strongest supporters of a free and democratic Syria, and his leadership position on foreign affairs issues has been very helpful in furthering the message. Senator Menendez sponsored major legislation imposing sanctions on Russia which contains the line “”the President should call for the Government of the Russian Federation to…cease enabling the brutal regime of Bashar al-Assad in Syria to commit war crimes.”

Candidate Senator Rick Scott (FL-R), Former Governor Florida

On June 28, Dr. Rim Albezem attended an event for Republican Senate candidate – now Governor hosting Senator Rick Scott (R-FL). As Governor and a businessman before that, Rick Scott has not been involved in foreign policy issues. This event was an opportunity to inform him on developments of concern to the Syrian American community.

Dr. Rim Albezem with Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (CA-12th/D) and Syria Caucus CoChair Brendan Boyle (PA-13th/D)

On July 10, the Democratic Committee Campaign Committee (DCCC) held an event in Pennsylvania co-hosted by Syria Caucus Cochair Rep. Brendan Boyle (PA-13th/D). House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (CA-12th/D) was at hand to show support for the event which Kayla’s List PAC also supported. Dr. Rim Albezem who lives in Pennsylvania was on hand to represent the community.

Kayla’s List Treasurer Louette Ragusa with Candidate Jesse Colvin (MD-1st/D), Jordan Colvin and baby Colvin

On July 19th, the Kayla’s List PAC met and supported an event with Candidate Jesse Colvin (MD-1st/D), who is running a campaign for Maryland’s 1st District as the Democratic nominee against Republican Representative Andy Harris. Mr. Jesse Colvin was in the United States military as an Army Ranger. Prior to joining the military however, Jesse Colvin taught English to civilians in Syria and speaks Arabic, which he studied in Egypt as a university student. Colvin is intensely interested in Middle Eastern issues, and if elected, may be the first Member of Congress who has lived in Syria.

On July 21st, the Syrian-American community welcomed Representative Jimmy Panetta (CA-20th/D) at the home of Dr. Mumtaz and Mrs. Rahaf Mumtaz fora reception. Representative Panetta is a member of the House Armed Services Committee. The community thanked Congressman Panetta for his support of the issues on the House Armed Services Committee and thanked him for being a member of the Friends of a Free, Stable, and Democratic Syria Caucus.

Kayla’s List event with President Trump

On August 30th, the Kayla’s List PAC attended an evening event in Evansville, Indiana for Mike Braun, who is looking to looking to unseat Senator Joe Donnelly as Indiana’s next Senator. President Donald Trump attended the event for the Republican nominee. Dr. Rim Albezem and Hayvi Bouzo represented the community.

Attorney General Patrick Morrisey is running for Senate in West Virginia.

Kayla’s List August Events

Senator Rand Paul (KY-R) (center) with Dr. Almasalkhi, Mrs. Almasalkhi and the community

The next month, Dr. Ammar Almasalkhi hosted Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) at his home in Louisville, Kentucky. Senator Paul is also on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee which has jurisdiction on all Foreign Affairs related policy. The discussion centered on developments in Syria and US sanctions policy.

Caucus Update

The Friends of a Free, Stable, and Democratic Syria Caucus is now up to 51 members in less than a year and a half since its establishment!  Among the new Members is Eliot Engel (D-NY), who is the highest ranking Democrat on the House Foreign Affairs Committee.   Rep. Brenda Lawrence (D-MI), Jared Polis (D-CO), Matt Cartwright (D-PA) and Steve Cohen (D-TN) also joined the Caucus during this period.

Last Name First Name State District Party
Bacon Don NE 2 R
Banks Jim IN 03 R
Barr Andy KY 6 R
Bergman Jack MI 1 R
Boyle* Brendan PA 13 D
Brooks Susan IN 5 R
Bucshon Larry IN 8 R
Capuano Michael MA 7 D
Carson Andre IN 7 D
Cartwright Matt PA 17 D
Chabot Steve OH 1 R
Coffman Mike CO 6 R
Cohen Steve TN 9 D
Comstock Barbara VA 10 R
Correa Luis CA 46 D
Curbelo Carlos FL 26 R
Dingell Debbie MI 12 D
Ellison Keith MN 5 D
Engel Eliot NY 16 D
Fitzpatrick Brian PA 8 R
Foster Bill IL 11 D
Gallagher Mike WI 8 R
Gomez Jimmy CA 34 D
Gonzalez Vicente TX 15 D
Hastings Alcee FL 20 D
Jenkins Evan WV 3 R
Johnson Eddie Bernice TX 30 D
Kildee Dan MI 5 D
Kinzinger* Adam IL 16 R
Knight Steve CA 25 R
Krishnamoorthi Raja IL 8 D
LaHood Darrin IL 18 R
Lawrence Brenda MI 14 D
Lipinski Daniel IL 3 D
Mast Brian FL 18 R
McCaul Mike TX 10 R
McKinley David WV 1 R
Meadows Mark NC 11 R
Messer Messer IN 6 R
Mooney Alex WV 2 R
Moulton Seth MA 6 D
Polis Jared CO 2 D
Roskam Peter IL 6 R
Schneider Brad IL 1 D
Sessions Pete TX 32 R
Stivers Steve OH 15 R
Torres Norma CA 35 D
Visclosky Peter IN 1 D
Wagner Ann MO 2 R
Wilson Joe SC 2 R
Zeldin Lee NY 1 R